Social Analysis on Space 
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我們生存於空間之中,也生活在社會裡,「空間」與「社會」應該是難以分離的思考範疇與實踐場域。不過,在既有學科分劃下,進入建制已超過一個半世紀的社會學,卻未直接以空間為探究對象,嚴肅考慮社會事象的空間向度。即使是「鄉村社會學」、「都市社會學」與「社區研究」等學域,看似與空間有密切關係,卻各有所偏,而未能掌握「空間」概念的豐富意蘊。另一方面,與空間直接相關的學科,如建築學、景觀建築、地理學、都市規劃與城市設計、環境心理學等等,則缺少比較成熟的社會觀點來處理空間的豐富社會意涵。1980年代之後,學術界開始重視空間與社會的相互扣接,開展了跨學科的視野,晚近更聯繫上文化研究視角,激發了更多值得探究的課題,甚且在人文社會領域中產生了所謂的「空間轉向」(spatial turn)。 

本課程的設計份量,需要修課者在課堂外花費五倍以上的時間,也就是3 X 5=15個小時,包括閱讀教材、與同學討論、撰寫書面摘要、讀書心得及提問單的時間。



□Paul Cloke, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin編(2006)《人文地理概論》(王志弘等譯),台北:巨流。

Office Hours
3.Peet, Richard (2005)《現代地理思想》(王志弘、張華蓀、宋郁玲、陳毅峰譯),台北:群學。
4.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯),台北:桂冠。
5.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯),台北:張老師。
6.Bachelard, Gaston (2003)《空間詩學》(龔卓軍、王靜慧譯),台北:張老師。
7.David, Harvey (2009)《新自由主義化的空間:邁向不均地理發展理論》(王志弘譯),台北:群學。
8. Soja, Edward W. (2004)《第三空間》(王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯),台北:桂冠。
9.Mansvelt, Juliana (2008)《消費地理學》(呂奕欣譯),台北:韋伯文化。
10.Cresswell, Tim (2006)《地方》(徐苔玲、王志弘譯),台北:群學。
11.Foucault, Michel (1992)《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》(劉北成、楊遠嬰譯),台北:桂冠。
12.McDowell, Linda (2006)《女性主義地理學概說》(徐苔玲、王志弘譯),台北:群學。
13.Weisman, Leslie Kanes (1997)《設計的歧視:「男造」環境的女性主義批判》(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯),台北:巨流。
14.Crang, Mike (2003)《文化地理學》(王志弘、余佳玲、方淑惠譯),台北:巨流。
15.Wood, Denis (1996)《地圖權力學》(王志弘、李根芳、魏慶嘉、溫蓓章譯),台北:時報。
16.Wertheim, Margaret (1999)《空間地圖:從但丁的空間到網路的空間》(薛絢譯),台北:商務印書館。

第一週 課程介紹;導論:社會生活的空間性 2/17
1.Paul Cloke, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin編(2006)《人文地理概論》(王志弘等
2.Peet, Richard (2005)〈導論:地理學、哲學與社會理論〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王
志弘等譯)(pp. 1-51),台北:群學。
3.Jessop, Bob, Neil Brenner and Martin Jones (2008) “Theorizing sociospatial
relations.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26: 389- 401.*
1.Benko, Georges and Ulf Strohmayer (eds) (1997) Space and Social Theory:
Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
2.Benko, Georges and Ulf Strohmayer (eds)(2004) Human Geography: A History for
the 21st Century. London: Arnold.
3.Crang, Mike and Nigel Thrift (eds) (2000) Thinking Space. London: Routledge.
4.Cloke, Paul, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin (eds)(2004) Envisioning Human
Geographies. London: Arnold.
5.Cloke, Paul and Ron Johnston (eds)(2005) Spaces of Geographical Thought.
London: Sage.
6.Hubbard, Phil, Rob Kitchin, Brendan Bartley and Duncan Fuller (2002) Thinking
Geographically: Space, Theory and Contemporary Human Geography. London:
7.Hubbard, Phil, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine (eds) (2004) Key Thinkers on
Space and Place. London: Sage.
8.Clifford, Nicholas, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine
(eds) (2009) Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
9.Cresswell, Tim (2013) Geographic Thought: A Critical Introduction. West
Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

第二週 空間概念的演變 2/24
1.Harvey, David (2006) “Space as a key word”, in Spaces of Global Capitalism:
Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development (pp. 119-148). London:
Verso.*【Harvey, David(2008)〈空間是個關鍵詞〉,《新自由主義化的空間》(王志弘
譯)(pp. 113-143),台北:群學。】
2.Harvey, David (2009) “Spacetime and the world”, in Cosmopolitanism and the
Geographies of Freedom (pp. 133-165). New York: Columbia University Press.*(有
3.Massey, Doreen (1994) “Politics and space/time,” in Space, Place and Gender
(pp. 249-272). Cambridge: Polity Press.*【Massey, Doreen (1995)〈政治與空間/時
間〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 115-141),台北:自印。)
4.Massey, Doreen (2005) “Opening propositions”, in For Space (pp. 9-15).
London: Sage.*
5.Thrift, Nigel (2009) “Space: the fundamental stuff of human geography”, in
Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine
(eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 85-96). London: Sage.*【有王志弘
6.Jones, Martin (2009) “Phase space: Geography, relational thinking, and
beyond”, Progress in Human Geography 33(4): 487–506.*
1.黃應貴(1990)〈人類學對於空間的研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 1-12。*
2.施添福(1990)〈地理學中的空間觀點〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 13-39。*
3.章英華(1990)〈都市社會學中有關空間的研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 40-47。*
4.臧振華(1990)〈考古學的空間研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 47-52。*
《理論建築:朝向空間實踐的理論建構》(pp. 243-273),台北:台灣社會研究季刊社。*
集刊》20(3): 397-439。*
9.Saunders, Peter (1985) “Space, the City and Urban Sociology,” in D. Gregory
and J. Urry (eds), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 67-89). New
York: St. Martin's Press.)(王志弘譯(1997)〈空間、城市與都市社會學〉,《建築
與城鄉研究所通訊》11: 121-138。)*
10.朱耀偉(1995)〈當代批評論述中的空間化迷思〉,《當代》105: 14-25。*
11.王志弘(2001)〈空間研究的歐美思潮與台灣課題〉,《文化視窗》35: 50-55。*
12.Bauman, Zygmunt (2003)〈社会空间:认知的、美学的和道德的〉,收于《后现代伦理
学》(张成岗译)(pp. 171-219),南京:江苏人民出版社。*

第三週 實證主義區位理論與空間組織 3/3
1.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈區位:因素與原則〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The
Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 9-38),台北:幼獅文化。(原
2.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈作為中地之城鎮〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The
Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 103-138),台北:幼獅文化。*
地理》(修訂三版)(pp. 39-60),台北:三民。*
地理》(修訂三版)(pp. 61-79),台北:三民。*
5.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈相互作用:人和觀念之移動〉,收於《社會的空間組織》
(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 231-266),台北:幼獅文
6.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈理想的空間組織和現實世界的問題〉,收於《社會的空間
組織》(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 325-374),台北:
7.Harvey, David (1973) “Social processes and spatial form: the conceptual
problems of urban planning”, in Social Justice and the City (pp. 22-49).
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.*
2.Harvey, David (1969) Explanation in Geography. London: Edward Arnold.(中譯:

第四週 人與空間的感知性互動:環境知覺、領域感、家屋、恐懼地景 3/10
1.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈環
境知覺與認知〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 73-126),台北:桂
2.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈個
人空間和領域權〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 317-379),台北:
3.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈家屋是自我的明鏡〉,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐
詩思譯)(pp. 9-30),台北:張老師。
4.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈長大成人:成年後在家中表達自我〉,《家屋,自我的
一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 69-112),台北:張老師。
5.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈失去的家園:與家之間的連結失去裂痕〉,《家屋,自
我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 299-338),台北:張老師。
6.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈超越「房子即自我」:靈魂的召喚〉,《家屋,自我的
一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 339-392),台北:張老師。
7.Tuan, Yi-fu (2008)《恐懼》(Landscapes of Fear)(潘桂成等、鄧柏晟、梁永安
《應用心理研究》8: 57-82。*
1.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈環
境–行為關係的理論〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 127-172),台
2.Lynch, Kevin (1986)《都市意像》(The Image of the City)(宋伯欽譯),台北:臺
究〉,收於《理論建築:朝向空間實踐的理論建構》(pp. 48-84)。台北:台灣社會研究
4.Ellard, Colin (2010)《不再迷路》(You Are Here)(胡瑋珊譯),台北:大塊文化。
《台灣社會研究季刊》35: 203-254。*
7: 97-110。
7.畢恆達(2001)〈拓圖尋寶記〉,《空間就是權力》(pp. 11-22),台北:心靈工坊。
8.畢恆達(2001)〈人與物的深情對話〉,《空間就是權力》(pp. 23-40),台北:心靈
9.Rybczynski, Witold (2002)《金窩、銀窩、狗窩:人類打造舒適家居的歷史》(譚天
幾何學〉,收於黃啟方編《世新五十學術專書——文學、思想與社會》(pp. 125-155),
空間為例〉,《設計學報》13(4): 43-63。*
家自費廳舍爲例〉,《建築學報》65: 63-82。*
13.蔡文川(2009)〈自我:身分認同與生活環境的關係〉,《中國地理學會會刊》42: 63-
空間歷程〉,《地理學報》63: 35-64。*

第五週 現象學與空間:Heidegger, Bachelard與Norberg-Schulz 3/17
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈存在主義、現象學與人文主義地理學〉,收於《現代地理思想》
(王志弘等譯)(pp. 53-104),台北:群學。
2.Heidegger, Martin (1977) “Building dwelling thinking”, in David Farrell
Krell (ed.), Martin Heidegger Basic Writings (pp. 323-339). New York: Harper &
Row.*【中譯:Heidegger, Martin(1992)〈建•居•思〉(陳伯沖譯),收於季鐵男編
《建築現象學導論》(pp. 47-63),台北:桂冠。*】
3.王應棠(2009)〈棲居與空間:海德格空間思維的轉折〉,《地理學報》55: 25-42。*
4.Bachelard, Gaston (2003)《空間詩學》(龔卓軍、王靜慧譯),台北:張老師。【閱
5.Norberg-Schulz, Christian(1986)《場所精神:邁向建築現象學》(施植明譯),台
北:尚林出版社。目前版本由田園城市出版。【閱讀:ch. 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8】
1.Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (2001)〈空间〉,收于《知觉现象学》(江志辉译)(pp.
3.Norberg-Schulz, Christian (1988)《建築意向》(Intentions in Architecture,
4.Norberg-Schulz, Christian (1984)《實存.空間.建築》(Existence, Space and
Architecture, 1971)(王淳隆譯),台北:台隆書店。
5.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1974) Topophila: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes
and Values. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
6.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1977) Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. London:
Edward Arnold.(有中譯)
7.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1979) Landscapes of Fear. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.(有中譯)
8.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1982) Segmented Worlds and Self. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press.
9.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1996) Cosmos and Hearth: A Cosmopolite's Viewpoint. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press.
10.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1998) Escapism. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
地研究》6(1): 83-104。*

第六週 空間的生產:Henri Lefebvre 3/24
1.Lefebvre, Henri (1979) “Space: Social product and use value”, in J.W.
Freiberg (ed.), Critical Sociology: European Perspective (pp. 285-295). New
York: Irvington.*【Lefebvre, Henri(1994)〈空間︰社會產物與使用價值〉(王志弘
譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 19-30),台北
2.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) “Plan of the present work”, in The Production of
Space (pp. 1-67). Oxford: Blackwell.*
3.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈列斐伏爾的驚異奇航〉與〈空間性的三元辯證〉,《第三空
間》(王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯)(pp. 32-108),台北:桂冠。
5/6: 171-185。*
報》55: 1-24。*
6.Buser, Michael (2012) “The production of space in metropolitan regions: A
Lefebvrian analysis of governance and spatial change”, Planning Theory 11(3):
1.Brenner, Neil and Stuartr Elden (eds) (2009) State, Space, World: Selected
Essay/ Henri Lefebvre. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
2.Elden, Stuart (2004) Understanding Henri Lefebvre: Theory and the Possible.
London: Continuum.
3.Elden, Stuart, Elizabeth Lebas, and Eleonore Kofman (eds) (2003) Henri
Lefebvre: Key Writings. New York: Continuum.
4.Goonewardena, Kanishka, Stefan Kipfer, Richard Milgrom and Christian Schmid
(eds) (2008) Space, Difference. Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. New
York: Routledge.
5.Gottdiener, M. (1993) “A Marx for our time: Henri Lefebvre and The
Production of Space," Sociological Theory, 11: 1 March, pp. 129-134.
【Gottdiener, M.(1995)〈當今的馬克思:昂希.列斐伏爾與《空間之生產》〉,收於王
志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 193-203),台北:自印。】*
6.Lefebvre, Henri (1976) The Survival of Capitalism: Reproduction of the
Relations of Production. New York: St Martin's Press. (Original work published
7.Lefebvre, Henri (1979) “Spatial planning: reflections on the politics of
space,” in Richard Peet (ed.), Radical Geography: Alternative Viewpoints on
Contemporary Social Issues (pp. 339-352). Chicago: Maaroufa Press.【Lefebvre,
化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 31-46),台北︰明文書局。】
8.Lefebvre, Henri (1984) Everyday Life in the Modern World. (Original work
published 1971).
9.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) Critique of Everyday Life, Vol. 1. (Original work
published 1947, 1958).
10.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell. (Original
work published 1974).
11.Lefebvre, Henri (1993) “The right to the city,” in Joan Ockman (ed.),
Architecture Culture 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology (pp. 428-436). New
York: Rizzolo International Publications. (Original work published 1968).
【Lefebvre, Henri(1995)〈接近城市的權利〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文
選》(pp. 173-185),台北:自印。】*
12.Lefebvre, Henri (1995) Introduction to Modernity. London: Verso. (Original
work published 1962).
13.Lefebvre, Henri (1996) Writings on Cities. Oxford: Blackwell.
14.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) The Urban Revolution (trans. By Robert Bononno).
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Original work published 1970)
15.Lefebvre, Henri (2004) Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life (trans.
By Stuart Elden and Gerald Moore). London: Continuum. (Original work published
16.Merrifield, Andy (2006) Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction. New York:
17.Sayer, Andrew (1993) “Book review: The Production of Space,” International
Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 17(3): 458-9.【Sayer, Andrew(1995)〈書
評:《空間之生產》〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 205-208),台
18.Shields, Rob (1999) Lefebvre, Love and Struggle: Spatial Dialectics. London:
19.Soja, Edward W. (1991) “Henri Lefebvre 1901-1991,” Environment and
Planning D: Society and Space, 9: 257-259.【Soja, Edward W.(1995)〈昂希.列斐
伏爾,1901-1991〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 187-191),台北:
20.Zieleniec, Andrzej (2007) “Henri Lefebvre: the production of space”, in
Space and Social Theory (pp. 60-97). Los Angeles: Sage.*
21.Unwin, Tim (2000) “A waste of space? towards a critique of the social
production of space”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,
New Series, 25(1): 11-29.*

第七週 時間地理學、實在論與結構化理論 3/31
1.Giddens, Anthony (2002)〈時間、空間與區域化〉,收於《社會的構成》(李康、李猛
譯)(pp. 113-153),台北:左岸文化。(原書出版於1984年)*
2.Peet, Richard (2005)〈結構化、實在論與地域研究〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘
等譯)(pp. 233-307),台北:群學。
3.Sayer, Andrew (2000) “Space and social theory”, in Realism and Social
Science (pp. 108-130). London: Sage.*
4.Pred, Allan (1983) “Structuration and place: on the becoming of sense of
place and structure of feeling,” Journal for the Theory of Social-Behavior,
Vol. 13, No. 1, March, pp. 45-68.【Pred, Allan(1993)〈結構歷程和地方:地方感和
論讀本》(pp. 81-103),台北:明文。】
1.Hägerstrand, Torsten (1970) “What about people in regional science?”,
Papers of the Regional Science Association, 24, pp. 7-21.
2.Parkes, Don, and Nigel Thrift (1980) “Time-geography: The Lund approach”,
in Times, Spaces, and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective.(pp. 243-278). New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
3.Giddens, Anthony (1981) “The time-space constitution of social systems”, in
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism (pp. 26-48). London:
4.Giddens, Anthony (1985) “Time, space and regionalisation,” in Derek
Gregory, and John Urry (eds), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 265-
295). New York: St. Martin's Press.
5.Thrift, Nigel (1996) “On the determination of social action in space and
time”, in Spatial Formations (pp. 63-95). London: Sage.*
6.Goffman, Erving (2012)《日常生活中的自我表演》(徐江敏等譯)。台北:桂冠。
會會刊》37: 45-67。*
家為例〉,《設計學報》11(2): 115-137。*
例〉,《設計學報》11(2): 115-137。*

第八週 資本主義危機與時空修補:David Harvey 4/7
1.Harvey, David(1994)〈時空之間:關於地理學想像的省思〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄
九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 47-79),台北︰明文書局。
2.Harvey, David (2008)〈資本的束縛〉,《新帝國主義》(王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯)
(pp. 69-105),台北:巨流。
3.Harvey, David(2010)〈資本主義積累的地理:馬克思理論重構〉,《資本的空間》
(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 345-387),台北:群學。
4.Harvey, David(2008)〈不均地理發展筆記〉,《新自由主義化的空間》(王志弘譯)
(pp. 65-112),台北︰群學。
5.Harvey, David(2010)〈空間修補:黑格爾、邱念與馬克思〉,《資本的空間》(王志
弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 415-456),台北:群學。
6.Harvey, David (2001) “Globalization and the ‘spatial fix’”, Geographische
Revue 2: 23-30.*【有中譯】
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈基進地理學、馬克思主義與馬克思主義地理學〉,收於《現代地
理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 105-176),台北:群學。
2.Zieleniec, Andrzej (2007) “David Harvey: the political economy of space”,
in Space and Social Theory (pp. 98-124). Los Angeles: Sage.
3.Castree, Noel and Derek Gregory (eds) (2006) David Harvey: A Critical Reader.
Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Harvey, David (1973) Social Justice and the City. London: Edward Arnold.
5.Harvey, David (1982) The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press.
6.Harvey, David (1985a) Consciousness and the Urban Experience. Oxford: Basil
7.Harvey, David (1985b) The Urbanization of Capital. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
8.Harvey, David (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
9.Harvey, David (1996) Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference. Oxford:
10.Harvey, David (2000) Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
11.Harvey, David (2001) Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New
York: Routledge. 【有群學出版社中譯】
12.Harvey, David (2003) Paris, Capital of Modernity. New York: Routledge.【有群
13.Harvey, David (2003) The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
14.Harvey, David (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.【有大陸中譯】
15.Harvey, David (2006) Spaces of Global Capitalism. London: Verso.【有群學出版
16.Harvey, David (2009) Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom. New
York: Columbia University Press. 【有群學出版社中譯】
17.Harvey, David (2010) A Companion to Marx’s Capital. London: Verso.
18.Harvey, David (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban
Revolution. London: Verso.

第九週 都市社會變遷;流動空間vs.地方空間;網絡社會:Manuel Castells 4/14
1.Castells, Manuel(1994)〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄
九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 223-300),台北︰明文書局。
2.Castells, Manuel (2000)〈流動空間〉,《網絡社會之崛起》(夏鑄九、王志弘等譯)
(pp. 425-478),台北:唐山。*
3.Castells. Manuel, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey
(2006) “The mobile civil society: social movements, political power, and
communication networks”, in Mobile Communication and Society: A Global
Perspective (pp. 185-214). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.*
4.Castells, Manuel (2012) “Networking mind, creating meaning, contesting
power,” in Network of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age
(pp. 1-19).Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
1.Castells, Manuel, and Emilio de Ipola (1976) "Epistemological practice and
the social sciences," Economy and Society, 5: 2 (May), pp. 111-144.【Castells,
Manuel, and Emilio de Ipola(1994)〈認識論實踐和社會科學〉(張景森譯),收於夏
2.Castells, Manuel (1977) The Urban Question (trans. by Alan Sheridan).
Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. (Original work published 1972, 1976).【部份中
譯:Castells, Manuel(1994)〈都市問題1975年後記〉(吳金鏞譯),收於夏鑄九、王志
3.Castells, Manuel (1978) City, Class and Power. New York: St. Martin's Press.
4.Castells, Manuel (1980) The Economic Crisis and American Society. Princeton,
NJ.: Princeton University Press.【晏山櫪、楊立義、蔡平、劉憲章譯(1987)《經濟危
5.Castells, Manuel (1983) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory
of Urban Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.【部份中譯:
Castells, Manuel(1994)〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉(陳志梧譯),以及〈一般
6.Castells, Manuel (ed.) (1985) High Technology, Space and Society. London:
7.Castells, Manuel, Lee Goh, and Reginald Y. W. Kwok (1988) Economic
Development and Housing Policy in the Asian Pacific Rim: A Comparative Study of
Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Monograph 37.
Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at
8.Castells, Manuel (1989a) The Informational City: Information Technology,
Economic Restructuring, and the Urban-Regional Process. Oxford: Blackwell.【部份
中譯:Castells, Manuel(1994)〈流動空間中社會意義的重建〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄
9.Castells, Manuel (1989b) The Political Economy of High-Technology. Taipei:
Tonsan Publications.
10.Castells, Manuel, and Peter Hall (1989c) Technopoles of the World: The
Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes. London: Routledge.
11.Castells, Manuel (1989d) "Social movements and the informational city,"
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies 21: 197-206.【Castells, Manuel(1995)
12.Castells, Manuel (1990) "The rise of the dual city: a comparative
perspective," Lecture delivered at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation,
22 February 1990.【Castells, Manuel(1994)〈雙元城市的興起:一個比較的角度〉
13.Castells, Manuel (1992a) "Four Asian tigers with a dragon head: A
comparative analysis of the state, economy, and society in the Asian Pacific
rim," in Richard P. Appelbaum and Jeffrey Henderson (eds), States and
Development in the Asian Pacific Rim (pp. 33-70). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
14.Castells, Manuel (1992b) "The space of flows: A theory of space in the
informational society," paper presented on conference of "The New Urbanism"
organized by Princeton University in October 1992.【Castells, Manuel(1997)〈流
動空間:資訊化社會的空間理論〉(王志弘譯),《城市與設計學報》1: 1-15。】*
15.Castells, Manuel (1997) The Power of Identity. Oxford: Blackwell. 【夏鑄九、
16.Castells, Manuel (1998) End of Millennium. Oxford: Blackwell.【夏鑄九、黃慧琦
17.Castells, Manuel (2000/1996) The Rise of the Network Society (2nd edition).
Oxford: Blackwell.【夏鑄九、王志弘等譯(2000)《網絡社會之崛起》,台北:唐山。大
18.Castells, Manuel (2002) The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet,
Business, and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(有大陸中譯)
19.Castells, Manuel (2002) The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory.
Oxford: Blackwell.
20.Castells, Manuel and Martin Ince (2003) Conversations with Manuel Castells.
Cambridge: Polity press. 【Castells, Manuel and Martin Ince(2005)《柯司特對話
21.Jeffrey Henderson, and Manuel Castells (eds) (1987) Global Restructuring and
Territorial Development. London: Sage.
22.Lowe, Stuart (1986) Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. London:
23.Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton (1989) The Informal
Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press.【部份中譯:Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and
Lauren A. Benton(1994)〈底層的世界:非正式經濟的起源、動力與影響〉(夏鑄九、王
24.Castells, Manuel(2003)〈廿一世紀的都市社會學〉(劉益誠譯),《城市與設計學
報》13/14: 1-20。*
25.Castells, Manuel (2002) “The Culture of Cities in the Information Age”, in
Ida Susser (ed.), The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory (pp. 367-89).
Oxford: Blackwell. ( Originally prepared for the Library of Congress Conference
“Frontiers of the Mind in the Twentieth-first Century,” held in Washington,
DC, June 14-18, 1999.)【有王志弘自印中譯〈資訊時代的城市文化〉。】*
26.Castells. Manuel, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey
(2006) Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
27.Castells, Manuel (2009) Communication power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
28.Castells, Manuel, João Caraça, and Gustavo Cardoso (eds)(2012) Aftermath:
the cultures of the economic crisis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
29.Castells, Manuel (2012) Network of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the
Internet Age. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
30.余小玲(2002)〈網絡社會的形構:Castells論流動空間〉,《資訊社會研究》3: 239-

第十週 空間文本的符號分析 4/21
1.Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (1994)〈城市與符號(導言)〉
(吳瓊芬等譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 505-
2.Barthes, Roland(1994)〈符號學與都市〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯
《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 527-538),台北︰明文書局。
3.Barthes, Roland(1991)〈艾菲爾鐵塔〉,收於李幼蒸編譯《寫作的零度:結構主義文
學理論文選》(pp. 156-168),台北︰時報。*
4.Barthes, Roland(1993)《符號禪意東洋風》(L’empire des signes)(孫乃修
5.de Certeau, Michel (1984) “Walking in the City”, The Practice of Everyday
Life (pp. 91-110). Berkeley: University of California Press.*【中譯參見:《塞杜
6.Wood, Denis (1996)〈地圖的作用在於替利益服務〉與〈利益具現在地圖的符號與神話
裡〉,《地圖權力學》(王志弘、李根芳、魏慶嘉、溫蓓章譯)(pp. 5-41 & pp. 163-
1.Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (eds) (1986) The City and the
Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics. New York: Columbia University Press.
2.Gottdiener, M. (1995) Postmodern Semiotics: Material Culture and the Forms of
Postmodern Life. Oxford: Blackwell.
3.Barthes, Roland (1957) Mythologies. Paris: Editions du Seuil.【許薔薔、許綺玲
4.Duncan, James S. and Nancy G. Duncan (1992) " Ideology and bliss: Roland
Barthes and the secret histories of landscape," in Trevor J. Barnes and James
S. Duncan (eds), Writing Worlds: Discourses, Text and Metaphor in the
Representation of Landscape (pp. 18-37). London: Routledge.
5.Scollon, Ron and Suzie Wong Scollon (2005)《實體世界的語言》(Discourses in
Place: Language in the Material World)(呂奕欣譯),台北:韋伯文化。
學研究》35: 75-112。*
老城區程式設計為例〉,《新建築》3: 128-132。*

第十一週 地景(景觀)概念 4/28
1.Morin, Karen M. (2009) “Landscape: representing and interpreting the
world”, in Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill
Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 286-299). London:
2.Wylie, John (2007) “Landscaping traditions”, in Landscape (pp. 17-54).
London: Routldge.*
3.Wylie, John (2007) “Ways of seeing”, in Landscape (pp. 55-93). London:
4.Cosgrove, Denis E. (1984) “Landscape and social formation: theoretical
considerations”, in Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (pp. 39-68).
London: Croom Helm.*
5.Zukin, Sharon (2010)《權力地景》(Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney
1.Barnes, Trevor J. and James S. Duncan (eds)(1992) Writing Worlds: Discourse,
Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape. London: Routledge.
2.Berleant, Arnold (1997) Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of
Environment. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.
3.Cosgrove, Denis (1984) Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape. London: Croom
4.Cosgrove, Denis and Stephen Daniels (eds) (1988) The Iconography of
Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past
Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5.Cranz, Galen (1982) The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in
America. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
6.Duncan, James (1990) The City as Text: The Politics of Landscape
Interpretation in the Kandyan Kingdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
7.Hayden, Dolores (1995) The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public
History. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
8.Hirsch, Eric and Michael O'Hanlon (eds) (199x) The Anthropology of Landscape:
Perspectives on Place and Space. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
9.Hunter, John Michael (1985) Land into Landscape. London: George Godwin.
10.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1980) The Necessity for Ruins and Other Topics.
Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.
11.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1984) Discovering the Vernacular Landscape. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
12.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1994) A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
13.Knox, Paul L. (ed.) (1993) The Restless Urban Landscape. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
14.Meinig, D.W. (ed.) (1979) The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes:
Geographical Essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
15.Mitchell, W.J.T. (ed.) (1994) Landscape and Power. Chicago: The Uinversity
of Chicago Press.
16.Potteiger, Matthew and Jamie Purinton (1998) Landscape Narratives: Design
Practices for Telling Stories. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
17.Werde, Stuart and William Howard Adams (eds) (1991) Denatured Visions:
Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century. New York: The Museum of Modern
18.Wilson, Alexander (1992) The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape
from Disney to the Exxon Valdez. Oxford: Blackwell.
19.Zube, Ervin H. (ed.) (1970) Landscapes: Selected Writings of J.B. Jackson.
Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.
20.Wylie, John (2007) Landscape. London: Routledge.
理學報》28: 51-65。*

第十二週 文化研究與空間:文化地理學與消費地理學 5/5
1.Crang, Mike (2003)《文化地理學》(王志弘、余佳玲、方淑惠譯),台北市:巨流。
2.Mansvelt, Juliana (2008)《消費地理學》(呂奕欣譯),台北縣:韋伯文化。【選讀
ch.3-ch.5, ch.7】
3.Urry, John (2013)《消費場所》(江千綺譯),台北市:書林。【選讀ch.12-ch.14】
1.Anderson, Jon (2010) Understanding Cultural Geography: Place and Traces.
London: Routledge.
2.Anderson, Kay and Fay Gale (eds)(1999) Cultural Geographies (2nd ed.).
London: Longman.
3.Anderson, Kay, Mona Domosh, Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift (eds) (2003) Handbook
of Cultural Geography. London: Sage.(大陸譯本:《文化地理學手冊》,北京:商務印
4.Atkinson, David, Peter Jackson, David Sibley and Neil Washbourne (eds)(2005)
Cultural Geography: A Critical Dictionary of Key Concepts. London: I.B. Tauris.
5.Blunt, Alison, Pyrs Gruffudd, Jon May, Miles Ogborn and David Pinder (eds)
(2003) Cultural Geography in Practice. London: Edward Arnold.
6.Duncan, James S., Nuala C. Johnson and Richard H. Schein (eds) (2004) A
Companion to Cultural Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
7.Jackson, Peter (1989) Maps of Meaning: An Introduction to Cultural Geography.
London: Unwin Hyman.
8.Mitchell, Don (2000) Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford:
9.Oakes, Timothy S. and Patricia L. Price (eds)(2008) The Cultural Geography
Reader. New York: Routledge.
10.Shurmer-Smith, Pamela (ed.)(2002) Doing Cultural Geography. London: Sage.
11.Shurmer-Smith, Pamela amd Kevin Hannam (1994) Worlds of Desire, Realms of
Power: A Cultural Geography. London: Edward Arnold.
12.Thrift, Nigel and Sarah Whatmore (eds) (2004) Cultural Geography: Critical
Concepts in the Social Sciences. London: Routledge.
13.Eagleton, Terry (2002)《文化的理念》(林志忠譯),台北:巨流。
14.Walton, David (2010)《文化研究入門》(駱盈伶譯),台北:韋伯文化。
15.Barker, Chris (2009)《文化研究:核心議題與關鍵辯論》(吳沛嶸譯),台北:韋伯
16.Barker, Chris (2004)《文化研究:理論與實踐》(羅世宏等譯),台北:五南。
17.Brooker, Peter (2003)《文化理論詞彙》(王志弘、李根芳譯),台北:巨流。
18.Hartley, John (2009)《文化研究簡史》(王君琦譯),台北:巨流。
19.Smith, Philip (2004)《文化理論的面貌》(林宗德譯),台北:韋伯文化。
20.Storey, John (2003)《文化理論與通俗文化導論》(第三版)(李根芳、周素鳳等
21.Strinati, Dominic (2001)《通俗文化理論導論》(閻嘉譯),北京:商務印書館。
22.Hall, Stuart編 (2003)《表徵:文化表象與意指實踐》(徐亮、陸興華譯),北京:商
23.Woodward, Kathryn (ed.) (2006)《認同與差異》(林文琪譯),台北:韋伯文化。
24.Wells, Liz (ed.)(2005)《攝影學批判導讀》(鄭玉菁譯),台北:韋伯文化。
25.Rose, Gillian (2006)《視覺研究導論》(王國強譯),台北:群學。
26.Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright (2009)《觀看的實踐——給所有影像世代的視
27.Storey, John (2002)《文化消費與日常生活》(張君玫譯),台北:巨流。
28.Corrigan, Peter (2010)《消費社會學》(王宏仁譯),台北:群學。
152: 85-137。*
藝》154: 201-252。*
間建構〉,《民俗曲藝》171: 11-64。*
35.陳淑卿(2003)〈家在邊緣:《摯愛》的空間政治〉,《英美文學評論》6: 111-152。*
36.梁炳琨、張長義(2004)〈地理學的文化經濟與地方再現〉,《地理學報》35: 81-99。
37.Painter, Joe and Alex Jeffrey (2012)《空間與權力:政治地理學新風貌》(謝明
38.Sharp, Joanne P. (2012)《後殖民地理學》(司徒懿譯),新北市:韋伯文化。

第十三週 地方與尺度 5/12
1.Castree, Noel (2009) “Place: connections and boundaries in an interdependent
world”, in Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill
Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 153-172). London:
2.Cresswell, Tim (2006)《地方》(徐苔玲、王志弘譯),台北:群學。【閱讀ch1-4。】
3.Harvey, David (2009) “Places, regions, territories”, in Cosmopolitanism and
the Geographies of Freedom (pp. 166-201). New York: Columbia University Press.*
4.Herod, Andrew (2009) “Scale: the local and the global”, Nicholas J.
Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds), Key
Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 217-235). London: Sage.*
1.Relph, Edward (1976) ch.3 of his Place and Placelessness (pp. 29-43). London:
(pp. 99-120),台北:桂冠。)*
2.Massey, Doreen (1993) "Power-geometry and a progressive sense of place," in
Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson and Lisa Tickner (eds.),
Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 59-69). London:
Routledge.【Massey, Doreen(1995)〈權力幾何學與進步的地方感〉,收於王志弘編譯
58: 115-132。*
4.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1977) Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. London:
Edward Arnold.
5.Casey, Edward S. (1997) The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
6.Cresswell, Tim (1996) In Place/Out of Place: Geography, Ideology and
Transgression. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
7.Jess, Pat and Doreen Massey (1995) “The Contestation of Place.” Pp. 133-174
in A Place in the World?, edited by Doreen Massey and Pat Jess. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
8.Massey, Doreen (1995) “The Conceptualization of Place.” Pp. 45-85 in A
Place in the World?, edited by Doreen Massey and Pat Jess. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
9.McDowell, Linda, ed.(1997) Undoing Places? A Geographical Reader. London:
10.Pred, Alan (1986) Place, Practice and Structure. Cambridge: Polity Press.
11.McMaster, Robert B. and Eric Sheppard (2004) “Introduction: Scale and
Geographic Inquiry.” Pp. 1-22 in Scale and Geographic Inquiry: Nature,
Society, and Method, edited by Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster. Oxford:
62: 19-48。*
13.Brenner, Neil (2010)〈都市管治和西歐新國家空間的生產〉(張城國譯),《地理學
報》60: 153-185。*

第十四週 權力、知識、治理與空間:Michel Foucault 5/19
1.Foucault, Michel(1992)〈權力的凝視:同巴盧和貝羅的對談〉(王志弘譯),《當
代》74: 97-115。*
2.Foucault, Michel (1994)〈空間與分類〉,收於《臨床醫學的誕生》(劉絮愷譯)
(pp. 17-43)台北;時報。*
3.Foucault, Michel(1992)〈全景敞視主義〉,《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》(劉北成、
楊遠嬰譯)(pp. 195-227),台北:桂冠。*
4.Huxley, Margo (2007) “Geographies of governmentality”, in Jeremy W.
Crampton and Stuart Elden (eds), Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 185-204).
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第十五週 異質地方:Michel Foucault 5/26
1.Foucault, Michel (2008) “Of other spaces,” in Michiel Dehaene and Lieven de
Cauter (eds), Heterotopia and the City (pp. 13-29). London: Routledge.(王志弘譯
2.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈異質地誌:傅柯與異類的歷史地理〉,《第三空間》(王志
弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯)(pp. 194-219),台北:桂冠。
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第十六週 女性主義與空間分析 6/2 (端午節放假,自修)
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境的女性主義批判》(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯)(pp. 51-93),台北:巨流。
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境的女性主義批判》(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯)(pp. 95-122),台北:巨流。
5.Weisman, Leslie Kanes(1997)〈家是社會的隱喻〉,《設計的歧視:「男造」環境的
女性主義批判》(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯)(pp. 123-175),台北:巨流。
6. Weisman, Leslie Kanes(1997)〈重新設計家庭的景觀〉,《設計的歧視:「男造」環
境的女性主義批判》(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯)(pp. 177-227),台北:巨流。
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈女性主義理論與性別地理學〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘
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讀本》(pp. 609-623),台北:明文。】
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論讀本》(pp. 593-607),台北:明文。】
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Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography, Vol. 2 (pp. 109-126). London: Unwin
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弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 565-592),台北:明文。】
8.Agrest, Diana, Patricia Conway, and Leslie Kanes Weisman (eds) (1996) The Sex
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34.張華蓀(2005)〈蝸行20年:女性主義地理學在台灣的發展〉,《地理學報》42: 25-

第十七週 從結構主義到後結構主義,以及,後現代空間 6/9
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈結構主義與結構馬克思主義地理學〉,收於《現代地理思想》
(王志弘等譯)(pp. 177-232),台北:群學。
2.Peet, Richard (2005)〈後結構主義、後現代主義與後現代地理學〉,收於《現代地理思
想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 309-395),台北:群學。
3.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈探索差異造成的空間:邊緣筆記〉,《第三空間》(王志弘、
張華蓀、王玥民譯)(pp. 109-139),台北:桂冠。
4.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈增添第三空間的開放性〉,《第三空間》(王志弘、張華蓀、
王玥民譯)(pp. 140-193),台北:桂冠。
1.Murdoch, Jonathan (2006) Post-structuralist Geography: A Guide to Relational
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2.Jameson, Fredric (1984) “Postmordernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late
Capitalism”, New Left Review, No. 146, July-Aug., pp. 53-92.【中譯:Jameson,
3.Jameson, Fredric (1988) “Cognitive Mapping”, in Cary Nelson and Lawrence
Grossberg (eds.), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (pp. 347-57).
Chicago: University of Illinois Press.【中譯:Jameson, Fredric(1995)〈認知繪

第十八週 空間與地方的人類學�民族誌 6/16
1.Low, Setha M. (2000) “Notes from the field: a personal account”, in On the
Plaza: The Politics of Public Space (pp. 3-30). Austin: University of Texas
2.Low, Setha M. (2000) “Spatializing culture: The social production and social
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boundaries of everyday life”, in On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space
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4.Borden, Iain (1999)〈滑板玩家:當代城市中激進與反叛的市民〉(黃麗玲譯),《城
市與設計學報》7/8: 25-44。*
5.Bull, Michael (2000) “Empowering the ‘gaze’: personal stereos and the
hidden look,” in Sounding out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of
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1.Low, Setha, Dana Taplin and Suzanne Scheld (2005) Rethinking Urban Parks:
Public Space and Cultural Diversity. Austin: University of Texas Press.
2.Low, Setha and Neil Smith (2006) The Politics of Public Space. New York:
3.Low, Setha M. and Denise Lawrence-Zuniga (eds)(2003) The Anthropology of
Space and Place: Locating Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
4.Low, Setha M. (ed.)(2002) Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology
Reader. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
5.Gmelch, George, Robert V. Kemper and Walter P. Zenne (eds)(2010) Urban Life:
Readings in the Anthropology of the City (5th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland
6.王嵩山(2012)〈導論:物、地方知識與空間觀〉,《民俗曲藝》176: 1-14。*
7.黃貞燕(2012)〈京都祇園祭宵山的文化展演與空間〉,《民俗曲藝》176: 67-113。*
與文化場域:空間之意象,實踐與社會的生產》(pp. 1-9)。台北市:國家圖書館。*


2/17  第一週 課程介紹;導論:社會生活的空間性 2/17
1.Paul Cloke, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin編(2006)《人文地理概論》(王志弘等譯),台北:巨流。【尤其是第一章至第六章】
2.Peet, Richard (2005)〈導論:地理學、哲學與社會理論〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 1-51),台北:群學。
3.Jessop, Bob, Neil Brenner and Martin Jones (2008) “Theorizing sociospatial relations.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26: 389- 401.*
1.Benko, Georges and Ulf Strohmayer (eds) (1997) Space and Social Theory: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
2.Benko, Georges and Ulf Strohmayer (eds)(2004) Human Geography: A History for the 21st Century. London: Arnold.
3.Crang, Mike and Nigel Thrift (eds) (2000) Thinking Space. London: Routledge.
4.Cloke, Paul, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin (eds)(2004) Envisioning Human Geographies. London: Arnold.
5.Cloke, Paul and Ron Johnston (eds)(2005) Spaces of Geographical Thought. London: Sage.
6.Hubbard, Phil, Rob Kitchin, Brendan Bartley and Duncan Fuller (2002) Thinking Geographically: Space, Theory and Contemporary Human Geography. London: continuum.
7.Hubbard, Phil, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine (eds) (2004) Key Thinkers on Space and Place. London: Sage.
8.Clifford, Nicholas, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds) (2009) Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
9.Cresswell, Tim (2013) Geographic Thought: A Critical Introduction. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
2/24  第二週 空間概念的演變 2/24
1.Harvey, David (2006) “Space as a key word”, in Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development (pp. 119-148). London: Verso.*【Harvey, David(2008)〈空間是個關鍵詞〉,《新自由主義化的空間》(王志弘譯)(pp. 113-143),台北:群學。】
2.Harvey, David (2009) “Spacetime and the world”, in Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom (pp. 133-165). New York: Columbia University Press.*(有群學即將出版之中譯。)
3.Massey, Doreen (1994) “Politics and space/time,” in Space, Place and Gender (pp. 249-272). Cambridge: Polity Press.*【Massey, Doreen (1995)〈政治與空間/時間〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 115-141),台北:自印。)
4.Massey, Doreen (2005) “Opening propositions”, in For Space (pp. 9-15). London: Sage.*
5.Thrift, Nigel (2009) “Space: the fundamental stuff of human geography”, in Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 85-96). London: Sage.*【有王志弘中譯】
6.Jones, Martin (2009) “Phase space: Geography, relational thinking, and beyond”, Progress in Human Geography 33(4): 487–506.*
1.黃應貴(1990)〈人類學對於空間的研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 1-12。*
2.施添福(1990)〈地理學中的空間觀點〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 13-39。*
3.章英華(1990)〈都市社會學中有關空間的研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 40-47。*
4.臧振華(1990)〈考古學的空間研究〉,《中國民族學通訊》27: 47-52。*
5.夏鑄九(1992)〈後記:建築論述中空間概念之變遷:一個空間實踐的理論建構〉,收於《理論建築:朝向空間實踐的理論建構》(pp. 243-273),台北:台灣社會研究季刊社。*
6.張景森(1988)〈戰後臺灣都市研究的主流範型〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》1(2/3): 9-31。*
7.蘇碩斌(2008)〈研究人或空間—台灣都市社會研究的成立與變化〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》20(3): 397-439。*
8.黃應貴(1995)〈導論:空間、力與社會〉,收於黃應貴主編《空間、力與社會》(pp. 1-37)。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。*
9.Saunders, Peter (1985) “Space, the City and Urban Sociology,” in D. Gregory and J. Urry (eds), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 67-89). New York: St. Martin's Press.)(王志弘譯(1997)〈空間、城市與都市社會學〉,《建築與城鄉研究所通訊》11: 121-138。)*
10.朱耀偉(1995)〈當代批評論述中的空間化迷思〉,《當代》105: 14-25。*
11.王志弘(2001)〈空間研究的歐美思潮與台灣課題〉,《文化視窗》35: 50-55。*
12.Bauman, Zygmunt (2003)〈社会空间:认知的、美学的和道德的〉,收于《后现代伦理学》(张成岗译)(pp. 171-219),南京:江苏人民出版社。*
3/03  第三週 實證主義區位理論與空間組織 3/3
1.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈區位:因素與原則〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 9-38),台北:幼獅文化。(原書出版於1974年)*
2.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈作為中地之城鎮〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 103-138),台北:幼獅文化。*
3.姜善鑫、陳明健、鄭欽龍、范錦明等(2004)〈經濟活動的區位問題(一)〉,收於《經濟地理》(修訂三版)(pp. 39-60),台北:三民。*
4.姜善鑫、陳明健、鄭欽龍、范錦明等(2004)〈經濟活動的區位問題(二)〉,收於《經濟地理》(修訂三版)(pp. 61-79),台北:三民。*
5.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈相互作用:人和觀念之移動〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 231-266),台北:幼獅文化。*
6.Morrill, Richard L. (1985)〈理想的空間組織和現實世界的問題〉,收於《社會的空間組織》(The Spatial Organization of Society)(薛益忠譯)(pp. 325-374),台北:幼獅文化。*
7.Harvey, David (1973) “Social processes and spatial form: the conceptual problems of urban planning”, in Social Justice and the City (pp. 22-49). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.*
2.Harvey, David (1969) Explanation in Geography. London: Edward Arnold.(中譯:高泳源、劉立華、蔡運龍譯(1996)《地理學中的解釋》,北京:商務印書館。)
3/10  第四週 人與空間的感知性互動:環境知覺、領域感、家屋、恐懼地景 3/10
1.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈環境知覺與認知〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 73-126),台北:桂冠。*
2.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈個人空間和領域權〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 317-379),台北:桂冠。*
3.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈家屋是自我的明鏡〉,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 9-30),台北:張老師。
4.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈長大成人:成年後在家中表達自我〉,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 69-112),台北:張老師。
5.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈失去的家園:與家之間的連結失去裂痕〉,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 299-338),台北:張老師。
6.Marcus, Clare Cooper (2000)〈超越「房子即自我」:靈魂的召喚〉,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》(徐詩思譯)(pp. 339-392),台北:張老師。
7.Tuan, Yi-fu (2008)《恐懼》(Landscapes of Fear)(潘桂成等、鄧柏晟、梁永安譯),台北:立緒。【閱讀:〈緒言〉、〈鄉村地區的暴力和恐懼〉、〈城市中的恐懼〉、〈恐懼:昔與今〉】
8.畢恆達(2000)〈從環境災害過程中探索家的意義:民生別墅與林肯大郡的個案分析〉,《應用心理研究》8: 57-82。*
1.Bell, Paul A., Thomas C. Greene, Jeffery D. Fisher, and Andrew Baum (2003)〈環境–行為關係的理論〉,收於《環境心理學》(聶筱秋、胡中凡譯)(pp. 127-172),台北:桂冠。(原書出版於1996年)
2.Lynch, Kevin (1986)《都市意像》(The Image of the City)(宋伯欽譯),台北:臺隆書店。(原書出版於1960年)
3.夏鑄九(1992)〈英美傳統中的環境唯心論與社會工程學的認識論批判:環境–行為研究〉,收於《理論建築:朝向空間實踐的理論建構》(pp. 48-84)。台北:台灣社會研究季刊社。
4.Ellard, Colin (2010)《不再迷路》(You Are Here)(胡瑋珊譯),台北:大塊文化。
5.畢恆達、郭一勤(1999)〈科技神話的夢魘:民生別墅住宅輻射災害的社會心理衝擊〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》35: 203-254。*
6.畢恆達(1993)〈物的意義—一個交互論的觀點〉,《台灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報》7: 97-110。
7.畢恆達(2001)〈拓圖尋寶記〉,《空間就是權力》(pp. 11-22),台北:心靈工坊。
8.畢恆達(2001)〈人與物的深情對話〉,《空間就是權力》(pp. 23-40),台北:心靈工坊。
9.Rybczynski, Witold (2002)《金窩、銀窩、狗窩:人類打造舒適家居的歷史》(譚天譯),台北:貓頭鷹。
10.王志弘(2006)〈空間識覺、社會地景、想像地理與認知繪圖:認路與迷路的性別權力幾何學〉,收於黃啟方編《世新五十學術專書——文學、思想與社會》(pp. 125-155),台北:世新大學。*
11.黃瑞菘、曾思瑜(2008)〈醫院門診空間尋路行為之研究-以兩家單一樓層走道型門診空間為例〉,《設計學報》13(4): 43-63。*
12.曾思瑜(2008)〈仁愛之家入居者生活空間與活動領域之比較研究-以高雄市立仁愛之家自費廳舍爲例〉,《建築學報》65: 63-82。*
13.蔡文川(2009)〈自我:身分認同與生活環境的關係〉,《中國地理學會會刊》42: 63-81。*
14.吳鄭重、莊景智(2011)〈公共廁所的微地理學-公廁空間的心理分析與賤斥主體性的空間歷程〉,《地理學報》63: 35-64。*
3/17  第五週 現象學與空間:Heidegger, Bachelard與Norberg-Schulz 3/17
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈存在主義、現象學與人文主義地理學〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 53-104),台北:群學。
2.Heidegger, Martin (1977) “Building dwelling thinking”, in David Farrell Krell (ed.), Martin Heidegger Basic Writings (pp. 323-339). New York: Harper & Row.*【中譯:Heidegger, Martin(1992)〈建•居•思〉(陳伯沖譯),收於季鐵男編《建築現象學導論》(pp. 47-63),台北:桂冠。*】
3.王應棠(2009)〈棲居與空間:海德格空間思維的轉折〉,《地理學報》55: 25-42。*
4.Bachelard, Gaston (2003)《空間詩學》(龔卓軍、王靜慧譯),台北:張老師。【閱讀:〈導論〉、〈家屋•從地窖到閣樓•茅屋的意義〉、〈內與外的辯證〉、〈圓的現象學〉】
5.Norberg-Schulz, Christian(1986)《場所精神:邁向建築現象學》(施植明譯),台北:尚林出版社。目前版本由田園城市出版。【閱讀:ch. 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8】
1.Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (2001)〈空间〉,收于《知觉现象学》(江志辉译)(pp. 310-78),北京:商务印书馆。
3.Norberg-Schulz, Christian (1988)《建築意向》(Intentions in Architecture, 1963)(曾旭正譯),台北:胡氏圖書。
4.Norberg-Schulz, Christian (1984)《實存.空間.建築》(Existence, Space and Architecture, 1971)(王淳隆譯),台北:台隆書店。
5.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1974) Topophila: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes and Values. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
6.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1977) Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. London: Edward Arnold.(有中譯)
7.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1979) Landscapes of Fear. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.(有中譯)
8.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1982) Segmented Worlds and Self. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
9.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1996) Cosmos and Hearth: A Cosmopolite's Viewpoint. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
10.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1998) Escapism. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.(有中譯)
11.廖本全、李承嘉(2003)〈「存在空間」的詮釋:傳統空間規劃的一個省察,《台灣土地研究》6(1): 83-104。*
3/24  第六週 空間的生產:Henri Lefebvre 3/24
1.Lefebvre, Henri (1979) “Space: Social product and use value”, in J.W. Freiberg (ed.), Critical Sociology: European Perspective (pp. 285-295). New York: Irvington.*【Lefebvre, Henri(1994)〈空間︰社會產物與使用價值〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 19-30),台北︰明文書局。】。
2.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) “Plan of the present work”, in The Production of Space (pp. 1-67). Oxford: Blackwell.*
3.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈列斐伏爾的驚異奇航〉與〈空間性的三元辯證〉,《第三空間》(王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯)(pp. 32-108),台北:桂冠。
4.郭恩慈(1998)〈空間、時間與節奏︰列斐伏爾的空間理論初析〉,《城市與設計》,5/6: 171-185。*
5.王志弘(2009)〈多重的辯證:列斐伏爾空間生產概念三元組演繹與引申〉,《地理學報》55: 1-24。*
6.Buser, Michael (2012) “The production of space in metropolitan regions: A Lefebvrian analysis of governance and spatial change”, Planning Theory 11(3): 279-298.*
1.Brenner, Neil and Stuartr Elden (eds) (2009) State, Space, World: Selected Essay/ Henri Lefebvre. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
2.Elden, Stuart (2004) Understanding Henri Lefebvre: Theory and the Possible. London: Continuum.
3.Elden, Stuart, Elizabeth Lebas, and Eleonore Kofman (eds) (2003) Henri Lefebvre: Key Writings. New York: Continuum.
4.Goonewardena, Kanishka, Stefan Kipfer, Richard Milgrom and Christian Schmid (eds) (2008) Space, Difference. Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. New York: Routledge.
5.Gottdiener, M. (1993) “A Marx for our time: Henri Lefebvre and The Production of Space," Sociological Theory, 11: 1 March, pp. 129-134.【Gottdiener, M.(1995)〈當今的馬克思:昂希.列斐伏爾與《空間之生產》〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 193-203),台北:自印。】*
6.Lefebvre, Henri (1976) The Survival of Capitalism: Reproduction of the Relations of Production. New York: St Martin's Press. (Original work published 1973).
7.Lefebvre, Henri (1979) “Spatial planning: reflections on the politics of space,” in Richard Peet (ed.), Radical Geography: Alternative Viewpoints on Contemporary Social Issues (pp. 339-352). Chicago: Maaroufa Press.【Lefebvre, Henri(1994)〈空間政治學的反思〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 31-46),台北︰明文書局。】
8.Lefebvre, Henri (1984) Everyday Life in the Modern World. (Original work published 1971).
9.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) Critique of Everyday Life, Vol. 1. (Original work published 1947, 1958).
10.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell. (Original work published 1974).
11.Lefebvre, Henri (1993) “The right to the city,” in Joan Ockman (ed.), Architecture Culture 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology (pp. 428-436). New York: Rizzolo International Publications. (Original work published 1968).【Lefebvre, Henri(1995)〈接近城市的權利〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 173-185),台北:自印。】*
12.Lefebvre, Henri (1995) Introduction to Modernity. London: Verso. (Original work published 1962).
13.Lefebvre, Henri (1996) Writings on Cities. Oxford: Blackwell.
14.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) The Urban Revolution (trans. By Robert Bononno). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Original work published 1970)
15.Lefebvre, Henri (2004) Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life (trans. By Stuart Elden and Gerald Moore). London: Continuum. (Original work published 1992)
16.Merrifield, Andy (2006) Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction. New York: Routledge.
17.Sayer, Andrew (1993) “Book review: The Production of Space,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 17(3): 458-9.【Sayer, Andrew(1995)〈書評:《空間之生產》〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 205-208),台北:自印。】*
18.Shields, Rob (1999) Lefebvre, Love and Struggle: Spatial Dialectics. London: Routledge.
19.Soja, Edward W. (1991) “Henri Lefebvre 1901-1991,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9: 257-259.【Soja, Edward W.(1995)〈昂希.列斐伏爾,1901-1991〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(pp. 187-191),台北:自印。】*
20.Zieleniec, Andrzej (2007) “Henri Lefebvre: the production of space”, in Space and Social Theory (pp. 60-97). Los Angeles: Sage.*
21.Unwin, Tim (2000) “A waste of space? towards a critique of the social production of space”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, 25(1): 11-29.*
3/31  第七週 時間地理學、實在論與結構化理論 3/31
1.Giddens, Anthony (2002)〈時間、空間與區域化〉,收於《社會的構成》(李康、李猛譯)(pp. 113-153),台北:左岸文化。(原書出版於1984年)*
2.Peet, Richard (2005)〈結構化、實在論與地域研究〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 233-307),台北:群學。
3.Sayer, Andrew (2000) “Space and social theory”, in Realism and Social Science (pp. 108-130). London: Sage.*
4.Pred, Allan (1983) “Structuration and place: on the becoming of sense of place and structure of feeling,” Journal for the Theory of Social-Behavior, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, pp. 45-68.【Pred, Allan(1993)〈結構歷程和地方:地方感和感覺結構的形成過程〉(許坤榮譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 81-103),台北:明文。】
1.Hägerstrand, Torsten (1970) “What about people in regional science?”, Papers of the Regional Science Association, 24, pp. 7-21.
2.Parkes, Don, and Nigel Thrift (1980) “Time-geography: The Lund approach”, in Times, Spaces, and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective.(pp. 243-278). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
3.Giddens, Anthony (1981) “The time-space constitution of social systems”, in A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism (pp. 26-48). London: Macmillan.
4.Giddens, Anthony (1985) “Time, space and regionalisation,” in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 265-295). New York: St. Martin's Press.
5.Thrift, Nigel (1996) “On the determination of social action in space and time”, in Spatial Formations (pp. 63-95). London: Sage.*
6.Goffman, Erving (2012)《日常生活中的自我表演》(徐江敏等譯)。台北:桂冠。
7.馬志堅、張長義、劉英毓(2006)〈南山部落高冷蔬菜栽培之時空配置〉,《中國地理學會會刊》37: 45-67。*
8.曾思瑜、王伶芳(2006)〈機構入居者生活行為模式與活動場所研究之一以南部某護理之家為例〉,《設計學報》11(2): 115-137。*
9.陳憲明(1989)〈機構入居者生活行為模式與活動場所研究之一以南部某護理之家為例〉,《設計學報》11(2): 115-137。*
4/07  第八週 資本主義危機與時空修補:David Harvey 4/7
1.Harvey, David(1994)〈時空之間:關於地理學想像的省思〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 47-79),台北︰明文書局。
2.Harvey, David (2008)〈資本的束縛〉,《新帝國主義》(王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 69-105),台北:巨流。
3.Harvey, David(2010)〈資本主義積累的地理:馬克思理論重構〉,《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 345-387),台北:群學。
4.Harvey, David(2008)〈不均地理發展筆記〉,《新自由主義化的空間》(王志弘譯)(pp. 65-112),台北︰群學。
5.Harvey, David(2010)〈空間修補:黑格爾、邱念與馬克思〉,《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 415-456),台北:群學。
6.Harvey, David (2001) “Globalization and the ‘spatial fix’”, Geographische Revue 2: 23-30.*【有中譯】
1.Peet, Richard (2005)〈基進地理學、馬克思主義與馬克思主義地理學〉,收於《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 105-176),台北:群學。
2.Zieleniec, Andrzej (2007) “David Harvey: the political economy of space”, in Space and Social Theory (pp. 98-124). Los Angeles: Sage.
3.Castree, Noel and Derek Gregory (eds) (2006) David Harvey: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Harvey, David (1973) Social Justice and the City. London: Edward Arnold.
5.Harvey, David (1982) The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
6.Harvey, David (1985a) Consciousness and the Urban Experience. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
7.Harvey, David (1985b) The Urbanization of Capital. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
8.Harvey, David (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
9.Harvey, David (1996) Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference. Oxford: Blackwell.【有大陸中譯】
10.Harvey, David (2000) Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.【有大陸中譯】
11.Harvey, David (2001) Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New York: Routledge. 【有群學出版社中譯】
12.Harvey, David (2003) Paris, Capital of Modernity. New York: Routledge.【有群學出版社中譯】
13.Harvey, David (2003) The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 【有群學出版社中譯】
14.Harvey, David (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.【有大陸中譯】
15.Harvey, David (2006) Spaces of Global Capitalism. London: Verso.【有群學出版社中譯】
16.Harvey, David (2009) Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom. New York: Columbia University Press. 【有群學出版社中譯】
17.Harvey, David (2010) A Companion to Marx’s Capital. London: Verso.
18.Harvey, David (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. London: Verso.
4/14  第九週 都市社會變遷;流動空間vs.地方空間;網絡社會:Manuel Castells 4/14
1.Castells, Manuel(1994)〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 223-300),台北︰明文書局。
2.Castells, Manuel (2000)〈流動空間〉,《網絡社會之崛起》(夏鑄九、王志弘等譯)(pp. 425-478),台北:唐山。*
3.Castells. Manuel, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey (2006) “The mobile civil society: social movements, political power, and communication networks”, in Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective (pp. 185-214). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.*
4.Castells, Manuel (2012) “Networking mind, creating meaning, contesting power,” in Network of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age (pp. 1-19).Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
1.Castells, Manuel, and Emilio de Ipola (1976) "Epistemological practice and the social sciences," Economy and Society, 5: 2 (May), pp. 111-144.【Castells, Manuel, and Emilio de Ipola(1994)〈認識論實踐和社會科學〉(張景森譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁147-183),台北︰明文書局。】
2.Castells, Manuel (1977) The Urban Question (trans. by Alan Sheridan). Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. (Original work published 1972, 1976).【部份中譯:Castells, Manuel(1994)〈都市問題1975年後記〉(吳金鏞譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁185-221),台北︰明文書局。】
3.Castells, Manuel (1978) City, Class and Power. New York: St. Martin's Press.
4.Castells, Manuel (1980) The Economic Crisis and American Society. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press.【晏山櫪、楊立義、蔡平、劉憲章譯(1987)《經濟危機與美國社會》,台北:唐山。】
5.Castells, Manuel (1983) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.【部份中譯:Castells, Manuel(1994)〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉(陳志梧譯),以及〈一般性的方法論問題〉(曾旭正譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁223-300,頁301-310),台北︰明文書局。】
6.Castells, Manuel (ed.) (1985) High Technology, Space and Society. London: Sage.
7.Castells, Manuel, Lee Goh, and Reginald Y. W. Kwok (1988) Economic Development and Housing Policy in the Asian Pacific Rim: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Monograph 37. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley.
8.Castells, Manuel (1989a) The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring, and the Urban-Regional Process. Oxford: Blackwell.【部份中譯:Castells, Manuel(1994)〈流動空間中社會意義的重建〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁367-374),台北︰明文書局。)(大陸譯本:崔保國等譯(2001)《信息化城市》,南京:江蘇人民出版社。】
9.Castells, Manuel (1989b) The Political Economy of High-Technology. Taipei: Tonsan Publications.
10.Castells, Manuel, and Peter Hall (1989c) Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes. London: Routledge.
11.Castells, Manuel (1989d) "Social movements and the informational city," Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies 21: 197-206.【Castells, Manuel(1995)〈社會運動與資訊城市〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(頁153-166),台北:自印。】*
12.Castells, Manuel (1990) "The rise of the dual city: a comparative perspective," Lecture delivered at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, 22 February 1990.【Castells, Manuel(1994)〈雙元城市的興起:一個比較的角度〉(曾旭正譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁311-331),台北︰明文書局。】
13.Castells, Manuel (1992a) "Four Asian tigers with a dragon head: A comparative analysis of the state, economy, and society in the Asian Pacific rim," in Richard P. Appelbaum and Jeffrey Henderson (eds), States and Development in the Asian Pacific Rim (pp. 33-70). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
14.Castells, Manuel (1992b) "The space of flows: A theory of space in the informational society," paper presented on conference of "The New Urbanism" organized by Princeton University in October 1992.【Castells, Manuel(1997)〈流動空間:資訊化社會的空間理論〉(王志弘譯),《城市與設計學報》1: 1-15。】*
15.Castells, Manuel (1997) The Power of Identity. Oxford: Blackwell. 【夏鑄九、黃麗玲等譯(2002)《認同的力量》,台北:唐山。】
16.Castells, Manuel (1998) End of Millennium. Oxford: Blackwell.【夏鑄九、黃慧琦等譯(2001)《千禧年之終結》,台北:唐山。】
17.Castells, Manuel (2000/1996) The Rise of the Network Society (2nd edition). Oxford: Blackwell.【夏鑄九、王志弘等譯(2000)《網絡社會之崛起》,台北:唐山。大陸譯本:夏鑄九、王志弘等譯(2001)《網絡社會的崛起》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。】
18.Castells, Manuel (2002) The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(有大陸中譯)
19.Castells, Manuel (2002) The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
20.Castells, Manuel and Martin Ince (2003) Conversations with Manuel Castells. Cambridge: Polity press. 【Castells, Manuel and Martin Ince(2005)《柯司特對話錄》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯),台北:巨流。】
21.Jeffrey Henderson, and Manuel Castells (eds) (1987) Global Restructuring and Territorial Development. London: Sage.
22.Lowe, Stuart (1986) Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. London: Macmillan.
23.Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton (1989) The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.【部份中譯:Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton(1994)〈底層的世界:非正式經濟的起源、動力與影響〉(夏鑄九、王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁333-366),台北︰明文書局。】
24.Castells, Manuel(2003)〈廿一世紀的都市社會學〉(劉益誠譯),《城市與設計學報》13/14: 1-20。*
25.Castells, Manuel (2002) “The Culture of Cities in the Information Age”, in Ida Susser (ed.), The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory (pp. 367-89). Oxford: Blackwell. ( Originally prepared for the Library of Congress Conference “Frontiers of the Mind in the Twentieth-first Century,” held in Washington, DC, June 14-18, 1999.)【有王志弘自印中譯〈資訊時代的城市文化〉。】*
26.Castells. Manuel, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey (2006) Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
27.Castells, Manuel (2009) Communication power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
28.Castells, Manuel, João Caraça, and Gustavo Cardoso (eds)(2012) Aftermath: the cultures of the economic crisis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
29.Castells, Manuel (2012) Network of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
30.余小玲(2002)〈網絡社會的形構:Castells論流動空間〉,《資訊社會研究》3: 239-250。
4/21  第十週 空間文本的符號分析 4/21
1.Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (1994)〈城市與符號(導言)〉(吳瓊芬等譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 505-526),台北︰明文書局。
2.Barthes, Roland(1994)〈符號學與都市〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 527-538),台北︰明文書局。
3.Barthes, Roland(1991)〈艾菲爾鐵塔〉,收於李幼蒸編譯《寫作的零度:結構主義文學理論文選》(pp. 156-168),台北︰時報。*
4.Barthes, Roland(1993)《符號禪意東洋風》(L’empire des signes)(孫乃修譯)。台北:台灣商務印書館。【閱讀:〈彈球戲〉、〈市中心,空洞的中心〉、〈沒有地址〉、〈車站〉、〈包裝〉】。
5.de Certeau, Michel (1984) “Walking in the City”, The Practice of Everyday Life (pp. 91-110). Berkeley: University of California Press.*【中譯參見:《塞杜文選(一)》,台北:桂冠。*】
6.Wood, Denis (1996)〈地圖的作用在於替利益服務〉與〈利益具現在地圖的符號與神話裡〉,《地圖權力學》(王志弘、李根芳、魏慶嘉、溫蓓章譯)(pp. 5-41 & pp. 163-238),台北:時報文化。*
1.Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (eds) (1986) The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics. New York: Columbia University Press.
2.Gottdiener, M. (1995) Postmodern Semiotics: Material Culture and the Forms of Postmodern Life. Oxford: Blackwell.
3.Barthes, Roland (1957) Mythologies. Paris: Editions du Seuil.【許薔薔、許綺玲譯(1998)《神話學》,台北:桂冠。】
4.Duncan, James S. and Nancy G. Duncan (1992) " Ideology and bliss: Roland Barthes and the secret histories of landscape," in Trevor J. Barnes and James S. Duncan (eds), Writing Worlds: Discourses, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape (pp. 18-37). London: Routledge.
5.Scollon, Ron and Suzie Wong Scollon (2005)《實體世界的語言》(Discourses in Place: Language in the Material World)(呂奕欣譯),台北:韋伯文化。
6.陳春富(2011)〈「家」的夢想:解析房仲電視廣告中的家庭圖像與性別關係〉,《廣告學研究》35: 75-112。*
7.趙珂、黃天其、馮月(2009)〈空間解析與衍生:舊城更新中的符號學方法:以成都新都老城區程式設計為例〉,《新建築》3: 128-132。*
4/28  第十一週 地景(景觀)概念 4/28
1.Morin, Karen M. (2009) “Landscape: representing and interpreting the world”, in Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 286-299). London: Sage.*
2.Wylie, John (2007) “Landscaping traditions”, in Landscape (pp. 17-54). London: Routldge.*
3.Wylie, John (2007) “Ways of seeing”, in Landscape (pp. 55-93). London: Routldge.*
4.Cosgrove, Denis E. (1984) “Landscape and social formation: theoretical considerations”, in Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (pp. 39-68). London: Croom Helm.*
5.Zukin, Sharon (2010)《權力地景》(Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World)(王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯),台北:群學。(原書出版於1991年)【閱讀:〈市場、地方與地景〉、〈迪士尼世界:立面的權力與權力的立面〉與〈道德地景〉】
1.Barnes, Trevor J. and James S. Duncan (eds)(1992) Writing Worlds: Discourse, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape. London: Routledge.
2.Berleant, Arnold (1997) Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.
3.Cosgrove, Denis (1984) Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape. London: Croom Helm.
4.Cosgrove, Denis and Stephen Daniels (eds) (1988) The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5.Cranz, Galen (1982) The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
6.Duncan, James (1990) The City as Text: The Politics of Landscape Interpretation in the Kandyan Kingdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
7.Hayden, Dolores (1995) The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
8.Hirsch, Eric and Michael O'Hanlon (eds) (199x) The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Place and Space. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
9.Hunter, John Michael (1985) Land into Landscape. London: George Godwin.
10.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1980) The Necessity for Ruins and Other Topics. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.
11.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1984) Discovering the Vernacular Landscape. New Haven: Yale University Press.
12.Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1994) A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time. New Haven: Yale University Press.
13.Knox, Paul L. (ed.) (1993) The Restless Urban Landscape. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
14.Meinig, D.W. (ed.) (1979) The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
15.Mitchell, W.J.T. (ed.) (1994) Landscape and Power. Chicago: The Uinversity of Chicago Press.
16.Potteiger, Matthew and Jamie Purinton (1998) Landscape Narratives: Design Practices for Telling Stories. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
17.Werde, Stuart and William Howard Adams (eds) (1991) Denatured Visions: Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century. New York: The Museum of Modern Art.
18.Wilson, Alexander (1992) The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez. Oxford: Blackwell.
19.Zube, Ervin H. (ed.) (1970) Landscapes: Selected Writings of J.B. Jackson. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.
20.Wylie, John (2007) Landscape. London: Routledge.
21.楊炳煌(2011)〈台北市都市地景的二元性與多元性-以「信義區」為例〉,《華岡地理學報》28: 51-65。*
5/05  第十二週 文化研究與空間:文化地理學與消費地理學 5/5
1.Crang, Mike (2003)《文化地理學》(王志弘、余佳玲、方淑惠譯),台北市:巨流。【選讀ch.3-ch.10】
2.Mansvelt, Juliana (2008)《消費地理學》(呂奕欣譯),台北縣:韋伯文化。【選讀ch.3-ch.5, ch.7】
3.Urry, John (2013)《消費場所》(江千綺譯),台北市:書林。【選讀ch.12-ch.14】
1.Anderson, Jon (2010) Understanding Cultural Geography: Place and Traces. London: Routledge.
2.Anderson, Kay and Fay Gale (eds)(1999) Cultural Geographies (2nd ed.). London: Longman.
3.Anderson, Kay, Mona Domosh, Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift (eds) (2003) Handbook of Cultural Geography. London: Sage.(大陸譯本:《文化地理學手冊》,北京:商務印書館。)
4.Atkinson, David, Peter Jackson, David Sibley and Neil Washbourne (eds)(2005) Cultural Geography: A Critical Dictionary of Key Concepts. London: I.B. Tauris.
5.Blunt, Alison, Pyrs Gruffudd, Jon May, Miles Ogborn and David Pinder (eds)(2003) Cultural Geography in Practice. London: Edward Arnold.
6.Duncan, James S., Nuala C. Johnson and Richard H. Schein (eds) (2004) A Companion to Cultural Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
7.Jackson, Peter (1989) Maps of Meaning: An Introduction to Cultural Geography. London: Unwin Hyman.
8.Mitchell, Don (2000) Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
9.Oakes, Timothy S. and Patricia L. Price (eds)(2008) The Cultural Geography Reader. New York: Routledge.
10.Shurmer-Smith, Pamela (ed.)(2002) Doing Cultural Geography. London: Sage.
11.Shurmer-Smith, Pamela amd Kevin Hannam (1994) Worlds of Desire, Realms of Power: A Cultural Geography. London: Edward Arnold.
12.Thrift, Nigel and Sarah Whatmore (eds) (2004) Cultural Geography: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences. London: Routledge.
13.Eagleton, Terry (2002)《文化的理念》(林志忠譯),台北:巨流。
14.Walton, David (2010)《文化研究入門》(駱盈伶譯),台北:韋伯文化。
15.Barker, Chris (2009)《文化研究:核心議題與關鍵辯論》(吳沛嶸譯),台北:韋伯文化。
16.Barker, Chris (2004)《文化研究:理論與實踐》(羅世宏等譯),台北:五南。
17.Brooker, Peter (2003)《文化理論詞彙》(王志弘、李根芳譯),台北:巨流。
18.Hartley, John (2009)《文化研究簡史》(王君琦譯),台北:巨流。
19.Smith, Philip (2004)《文化理論的面貌》(林宗德譯),台北:韋伯文化。
20.Storey, John (2003)《文化理論與通俗文化導論》(第三版)(李根芳、周素鳳等譯),台北:巨流。
21.Strinati, Dominic (2001)《通俗文化理論導論》(閻嘉譯),北京:商務印書館。
22.Hall, Stuart編 (2003)《表徵:文化表象與意指實踐》(徐亮、陸興華譯),北京:商務印書館。
23.Woodward, Kathryn (ed.) (2006)《認同與差異》(林文琪譯),台北:韋伯文化。
24.Wells, Liz (ed.)(2005)《攝影學批判導讀》(鄭玉菁譯),台北:韋伯文化。
25.Rose, Gillian (2006)《視覺研究導論》(王國強譯),台北:群學。
26.Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright (2009)《觀看的實踐——給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論》(陳品秀譯),台北:臉譜。
27.Storey, John (2002)《文化消費與日常生活》(張君玫譯),台北:巨流。
28.Corrigan, Peter (2010)《消費社會學》(王宏仁譯),台北:群學。
32.舒奎翰(2006)〈神聖與凡俗的交錯_台中東西區土地公廟的研究〉,《民俗曲藝》152: 85-137。*
33.邱永逸(2006)〈城市生理學與雜吧地的下體特徵:以近代北京天橋為例〉,《民俗曲藝》154: 201-252。*
34.呂心純(2011)〈音樂作爲一種離散社會空間:臺灣中和地區緬甸華僑的音景與族裔空間建構〉,《民俗曲藝》171: 11-64。*
35.陳淑卿(2003)〈家在邊緣:《摯愛》的空間政治〉,《英美文學評論》6: 111-152。*
36.梁炳琨、張長義(2004)〈地理學的文化經濟與地方再現〉,《地理學報》35: 81-99。*
37.Painter, Joe and Alex Jeffrey (2012)《空間與權力:政治地理學新風貌》(謝明珊、陳坤森譯),新北市:韋伯文化。
38.Sharp, Joanne P. (2012)《後殖民地理學》(司徒懿譯),新北市:韋伯文化。
5/12  第十三週 地方與尺度 5/12
1.Castree, Noel (2009) “Place: connections and boundaries in an interdependent world”, in Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 153-172). London: Sage.*
2.Cresswell, Tim (2006)《地方》(徐苔玲、王志弘譯),台北:群學。【閱讀ch1-4。】
3.Harvey, David (2009) “Places, regions, territories”, in Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom (pp. 166-201). New York: Columbia University Press.*(有群學即將出版之中譯。)
4.Herod, Andrew (2009) “Scale: the local and the global”, Nicholas J. Clifford, Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine (eds), Key Concepts in Geography (2nd ed.)(pp. 217-235). London: Sage.*
1.Relph, Edward (1976) ch.3 of his Place and Placelessness (pp. 29-43). London: Pion.(饒祖耀、陳厚逸譯(1992)〈場所的本質〉,收於季鐵男編《建築現象學導論》(pp. 99-120),台北:桂冠。)*
2.Massey, Doreen (1993) "Power-geometry and a progressive sense of place," in Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson and Lisa Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 59-69). London: Routledge.【Massey, Doreen(1995)〈權力幾何學與進步的地方感〉,收於王志弘編譯《空間與社會理論譯文選》(頁101-114),台北:自印。】*
3.曾旭正(2010)〈地點、場所或所在-論“place”的中譯及其啟發〉,《地理學報》58: 115-132。*
4.Tuan, Yi-Fu (1977) Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. London: Edward Arnold.
5.Casey, Edward S. (1997) The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History. Berkeley: University of California Press.
6.Cresswell, Tim (1996) In Place/Out of Place: Geography, Ideology and Transgression. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
7.Jess, Pat and Doreen Massey (1995) “The Contestation of Place.” Pp. 133-174 in A Place in the World?, edited by Doreen Massey and Pat Jess. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8.Massey, Doreen (1995) “The Conceptualization of Place.” Pp. 45-85 in A Place in the World?, edited by Doreen Massey and Pat Jess. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9.McDowell, Linda, ed.(1997) Undoing Places? A Geographical Reader. London: Arnold.
10.Pred, Alan (1986) Place, Practice and Structure. Cambridge: Polity Press.
11.McMaster, Robert B. and Eric Sheppard (2004) “Introduction: Scale and Geographic Inquiry.” Pp. 1-22 in Scale and Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method, edited by Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster. Oxford: Blackwell.
12.林子新(2011)〈找回尺度的階序結構:邁向空間的意識形態政治〉,《地理學報》62: 19-48。*
13.Brenner, Neil (2010)〈都市管治和西歐新國家空間的生產〉(張城國譯),《地理學報》60: 153-185。*
5/19  第十四週 權力、知識、治理與空間:Michel Foucault 5/19
1.Foucault, Michel(1992)〈權力的凝視:同巴盧和貝羅的對談〉(王志弘譯),《當代》74: 97-115。*
2.Foucault, Michel (1994)〈空間與分類〉,收於《臨床醫學的誕生》(劉絮愷譯)(pp. 17-43)台北;時報。*
3.Foucault, Michel(1992)〈全景敞視主義〉,《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》(劉北成、楊遠嬰譯)(pp. 195-227),台北:桂冠。*
4.Huxley, Margo (2007) “Geographies of governmentality”, in Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden (eds), Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 185-204). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.*
5.Dikeç, Mustafa (2007) “Space, governmentality, and the geographies of French urban policy”, European Urban and Regional Studies 14(4): 277–289.
1.Rabinow, Paul (1994)〈空間、知識、權力:與米歇.傅寇對談〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 411-427),台北︰明文書局。
2.Wright, Gwendolyn, and Paul Rabinow(1994)〈權力的空間化:米歇.傅寇作品的討論〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁375-384),台北︰明文書局。
3.Foucault, Michel(1994)〈地理學問題〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 385-397),台北︰明文書局。
4.Zieleniec, Andrzej (2007) “Michel Foucault: space, knowledge and power”, in Space and Social Theory (pp. 125-149). Los Angeles: Sage.*
5.Crampton, Jeremy W. and Stuart Elden (eds) (2007) Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.
6.Gaonkar, Dilip (1995)〈圓形監獄論與公眾性:邊沁對透明性的追求〉(吳桂枝譯),收於廖炳惠編《回顧現代文化想像》(pp. 144-173),台北:時報。
7.Wood, David Murakami (2007) “Beyond the panopticon? Foucault and surveillance studies”, in Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden (eds), Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 245-263). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.
8.Rose-Redwood, Reuben S. (2006) “Governmentality, geography, and the geo-coded world”, Progress in Human Geography 30(4): 469–486.*
9.Robins, Steven (2002) “At the limits of spatial governmentality: a message from the tip of Africa”, Third World Quarterly 23(4): 665–689.*
10.Ferguson James and Akhil Gupta (2002) “Spatializing states: toward an ethnography of neoliberal governmentality”, American Ethnologist, 29(4): 981-1002.*
11.Princea, Russell, Robin Kearnsa, and David Craig (2006) “Governmentality, discourse and space in the New Zealand health care system, 1991–2003”, Health & Place 12: 253–266.*
12.Sudjic, Deyan (2008)《建築!建築!誰是世界上最有權力的人?》(王曉剛、張秀芳、陳相如譯),台北:田園城市。
13.施雅軒(2008)〈日本時期南庄聚落地方警察的人口流動-一個空間規訓的個案〉,《環境與世界》17: 1-19。*
5/26  第十五週 異質地方:Michel Foucault 5/26
1.Foucault, Michel (2008) “Of other spaces,” in Michiel Dehaene and Lieven de Cauter (eds), Heterotopia and the City (pp. 13-29). London: Routledge.(王志弘譯〈論異類空間〉。)*
2.Soja, Edward W. (2004)〈異質地誌:傅柯與異類的歷史地理〉,《第三空間》(王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯)(pp. 194-219),台北:桂冠。
3.Kern, Kathleen (2008) “Heterotopia of the theme park street”, in Dehaene, Michiel and Lieven de Cauter (eds), Heterotopia and the City (pp. 105-115). London: Routledge.*
4.Low, Setha (2008) “The gated community as heterotopia”, in Dehaene, Michiel and Lieven de Cauter (eds), Heterotopia and the City (pp. 153-163). London: Routledge.*
5.Cowherd, Robert (2008) “The heterotopian divide in Jakarta: constructing discourse, constructing space”, in Dehaene, Michiel and Lieven de Cauter (eds), Heterotopia and the City (pp. 275-285). London: Routledge.*
1.Hetherington, Kevin (1997) The Badlands of Modernity: Heterotopia and Social Ordering. London: Routlege.
2.Dehaene, Michiel and Lieven de Cauter (eds)(2008) Heterotopia and the City. London: Routledge.
6/02  第十六週 女性主義與空間分析 6/2 (端午節放假,自修)
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8.Agrest, Diana, Patricia Conway, and Leslie Kanes Weisman (eds) (1996) The Sex of Architecture. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
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6/09  第十七週 從結構主義到後結構主義,以及,後現代空間 6/9
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6/16  第十八週 空間與地方的人類學�民族誌 6/16
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